Small Business Success: Creating a Secure Network

Did you know that small businesses make up 43% of cybercrime victims?
Cybercrime has been on a steady increase in the past few years, with 2021 bringing unprecedented levels of ransomware and DDoS attacks. Any business with a digital footprint should be taking the proper precautions to minimise their network vulnerabilities, regardless of their size.
Providing an amazing network for your small office doesn’t have to be a challenge, and doesn’t require extensive IT experience. Creating a network that can support and grow alongside your business, but with over 500,000 satisfied Cisco Meraki customers we believe they have the formula for network greatness and business success.
Keep your data secure
Cybersecurity is a necessity nowadays, especially in hybrid and remote environments. Cyber risks are everywhere and could cost your small business an extortionate amount of money, so cybersecurity must be considered at all levels of network creation.
Picture this; your hybrid worker who operates out of a home office 2 days a week accesses private files via their unsecured home Wi-Fi. This puts all the private client data at risk of a breach if anything were to happen to this unmonitored, unprotected, personal home Wi-Fi. Malicious files unknowingly accessed by said employee could have any number of ransomware functions primed to take down your network and expose private details, not only costing you money to remediate, but also costing you invaluable client trust and discretion.
Keeping your companies’ data secure, even with remote workers, is possible through a few steps.
1. Your first point of call will be to create a secure office network that maintains visibility and control, preferably via a cloud-managed dashboard.
2. You’ll then want to encrypt your data with an auto VPN which will allow employees to connect securely to this headquarters network in just two clicks.
3. For further security, you can segment the traffic flow around this network to increase security by separating your networks into guest, remote workers, and head office – this means that if any network were to be breached, the damage would be contained to the affected network and not overspill into the more classified areas.
Once your three-step network is up and running, you’re going to want to invest in world-leading enterprise-grade threat intelligence to rapidly detect and block any malicious files from ever reaching your network.
Sounds like a tall order, right?
Well, with Cisco Meraki and Meraki Go you even the least tech-savvy of us can achieve a high level of security with just a few well placed, budget-friendly devices. With integrated access to the Cisco Talos threat intelligence, manned by a team of 250 researchers who have collectively prevented 7.2 million attacks worldwide, and Cisco Advanced Malware Protection you can rest easy knowing your network is protected by the best.
Here at RedPontem, we believe that businesses of all sizes should have access to secure, reliable, and fast networks. By capitalising on our longstanding relationship with Cisco we can offer such services at a competitive price, with options available for any budget. Contact a RedPontem specialist today so we can take the first steps on your network journey together.
Not convinced? Why not try the technology with our Meraki free trials!